How do we get stem cells?

Adult stem cells can be isolated from the body in different ways, depending on the tissue. Blood stem cells, for example, can be taken from a donor’s bone marrow, from blood in the umbilical cord when a baby is born, or from a person’s circulating blood. Other type of stem cells can be derived from adipose tissue.

Are stem cells safe?

Yes, stem cell therapy is a safe procedure. The physician must follow proper cell administration techniques. Patients must also be screened for treatment candidacy as all people may not be a candidate for stem cells

Any risk with Stem Cell Therapy?

As with any treatment, there are certain risks involved in stem cell therapy. Your doctor will discuss any potential risks with you before you start treatment so you can make an informed decision as to whether the treatment is right for you.

Organizations into Stem Cells in UAE

There are few stem cell treatment centers in the UAE.

Our Founders

H.E Dr. Maryam Matar

Her Excellency, Dr Matar is the Founder and Chairperson, UAE Genetic Diseases Association. She is a leading healthcare influencer, and pioneered the study of genes and advocates

Dr. Shaikha Almazrouei

Shaikha Al Mazrouei , Head of UAE Stem Cells support Group and PhD candidate at Kings college London, in liver transplant using hepatocyte and MSCs microbeads. During

Dr. Yendry Ventura

Currently working as General Manager Abu Dhabi Stem Cells Center. Performance in basic and clinics sciences . Experience in handling basic, preclinical and clinical research such as

Dr. Giuseppe Marchesani

Director of Stem Cells Factory Bioscience Clinic Middle East. He studied Clinical Biology Science at University of L’Aquila in Italy focusing his research activity in Cell Biology and Immunology field.

Dr. Bushra AlBelooshi

Dr. Bushra AlBelooshi is the Research and Innovation Manager in Dubai Electronic Security Center(DESC). Prior joining DESC, AlBelooshi was a research assistant and a PhD candidate in Electrical and Computer

Dr. Sager AlMulla

Currently working as deputy CEO and head of plastic surgery at Al Qasimi Hospital, Sharjah

Dr. Hoda A.Alkhzaimi

Hoda A. Al Khzaimi is currently a research assistant professor at New York University Abu Dhabi and the Director of Center of Cyber Security in New York University Abu Dhabi.

Dr. Zahraa Alyahyaee

Senior Embryologist - Corniche Hospital Completed her MSc and PhD from the University of Oxford. One of the projects she worked on during PhD was modeling embryo endometrium interaction through

Dr. Mohammad AlBataineh

Assistant Professor Microbiology & Immunology,  College of  Medicine at University of Sharjah in United Arab Emirates. He  received his Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery  (MBBS) degree, from Jordan University

Dr. Marwa AlBelooshi

Family physician Family Medicine Specialist and Director of Al Hamidiya Health Center in Ajman under MOHAP She received her Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery ( MBBS ) from

Dr. Amir Ali Khan

He has been serving as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Applied Biology in University of Sharjah since September 2013. Dr. Khan has achieved B.Sc (honour) in Human Genetics


FAQ about Stem Cells

Stem cells are unique cells that have two special properties; differentiation (they can give rise to different and more specialized cells like muscle cells, blood cells, or even heart cells) and self-renewal (they are capable of maintaining their own line, generating storage to provide a source of new cells when needed).  There is no other cell in the human body capable of this kind of adaptation. As the stem cells divide, each new cell has the potential to remain a stem cell or to become a different kind of cell with a more specialized function.

As with any treatment, there are certain risks involved in stem cell therapy. Your doctor will discuss any potential risks with you before you start treatment so you can make an informed decision as to whether the treatment is right for you.

Yes. Doctors have performed stem cell transplants, also known as bone marrow transplants. In stem cell transplants, stem cells replace cells damaged by chemotherapy or disease or serve as a way for the donor’s immune system to fight some types of cancer and blood-related diseases, such as leukemia, lymphoma, neuroblastoma and multiple myeloma. These transplants use adult stem cells or umbilical cord blood. Researchers are testing adult stem cells to treat other conditions, including a number of degenerative diseases such as heart failure.

Stem cells can be classified by their “differentiation potentiality”. The classifications are totipotent, pluripotent, multipotent, oligopotent, or unipotent. Totipotent stem cells can differentiate into all possible cell types (e.g. zygote formed at egg fertilization); pluripotent stem cells have the ability to differentiate into almost all cell types (e.g. embryonic stem cells); multipotent stem cells can differentiate into a closely related family of cells (e.g. hematopoietic adult stem cells that can become red and white blood cells or platelets); oligopotent stem cells can differentiate into a few cells (e.g. lymphoid or myeloid stem cells; and unipotent stem cells have the ability to only produce cells of their own type, but they keep the property of self-renewal (e.g. adult muscle stem cells).  Stem cells can be classified on the basis of their sources as well, but the easiest way to categorize stem cells is by dividing them into two types: early or embryonic, and mature or adult stem cells. At ADSCC, only adult stem cell therapies are allowed.

Regenerative medicine is an interdisciplinary field that applies life science principles and engineering to repair, restore, or replace the natural functions of diseased and injured cells, tissues and organs.

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